About us

Technical Institute RTI for the development of immigrants.

RTI Technical Institute's mission is to strengthen the entire community through the healthy integration of immigrants. Our mission is accomplished by filling a service gap for new immigrant families, offering education and empowerment programs, engaging long-term residents in volunteer opportunities, and creating substantive partnerships with other local organizations. Our strategies to educate, empower and employ families include a Workers' Center, English as a Second Language (ESL) education, legal services and advocacy, workforce development, parenting education, early childhood programs and academic support.


Permanent residents have most of the rights of U.S. citizens. However, there are many important reasons to consider U.S. citizenship. When you become a citizen, you will receive all the rights of citizenship. You will also accept all the responsibilities of being an American. You will be able to contribute fully to your community and to this nation. The following link will take you to the official USCIS website with the updated official citizenship questions and their audio version to download to your phone or computer.

Click the button below to access the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services practice questions and answers.

Come join us

We need to reshape our own perception of how we see ourselves. We need to step up as Latinos and take the initiative.

This is an open entry/open exit program that provides the support necessary to help students prepare for, obtain and/or retain full-time employment.

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Our impact
Influence the way people, organizations and movements think and act.
Annual Report
Our partners
Do you want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our humanitarian causes.